EyeCan: A Canadian Lens on Ophthalmology. In this series, we examine all aspects of what it means to be an Ophthalmologist in Canada; we speak with leaders in our field about their contributions and life journey; we explore new and emerging techniques and technologies in eye care. Through it all we hope to connect with our community and have those that listen understand the value of who we are and what we do for our patients. We’ll share our experiences as ophthalmologists today and tackle some of challenges we face as healthcare providers.
Hosted by Dr. Guillermo Rocha and Dr. Setareh Ziai (seasons one and two), Dr. Mona Dagher and Dr. Hady Saheb (seasons 3 and 4), and Dr. Heather O'Donnell and Dr. Hady Saheb (season five).
Brought to you by the Canadian Ophthalmological Society. Seasons 1 and 2 of the EyeCan podcast were sponsored by MD Financial Affinity Grant. Seasons 3, 4 and 5 are sponsored by Bayer.
Written and directed by Kim Tytler, Manager of Communications at the Canadian Ophthalmological Society, and produced by John Allaire of Allaire Strategic Works.
EyeCan Season 4, Episode 3 – COS Advocacy, future planning, and new projects with guest Dr. Phil Hooper
Our guest on today’s episode of EyeCan we welcome back to the show Phil Hooper, President of the Canadian Ophthalmological Society (COS). Dr. Hooper will present some of the Advocacy work the COS has currently been working on, future planning, and new projects underway.
A bit about Phil… he trained in Internal Medicine and Ophthalmology at Western University in London, Ontario. Following this, he did fellowships in Retina and Uveitis at the University of Southern California, and Washington University.
Phil was Chair and Chief of Ophthalmology at Western from 1996 to 2008 and co-chairs the Ontario Vision Care Task Force.
In June 2022, Dr. Hooper became the 70th President of the COS, serving until June 2024. He has been involved in many COS projects, was Editor-in-Chief of the Canadian Journal of Ophthalmology from 2008-2018 and chaired the Council on Advocacy from 2019-2021.
With your hosts, Dr. Mona Daghar and Dr. Hady Saheb.
Written and directed by Kim Tytler.
Produced by John Allaire of Allaire Strategic Works.
The EyeCan Podcast is made possible by support from Bayer.
Show notes:
COS Members are invited to log in to their member portal ( https://cos.imiscloud.com/ ), click the Members Only section and learn more about our Advocacy efforts.
The COS Drug Shortages page can be found here ( https://www.cos-sco.ca/drug-shortages/ ).
The January 2024 Forum registration page can be found here (https://www.cos-sco.ca/advocacy/annual-forum/ ).
Information about the COS Annual Meeting and Exhibition can be found here 9https://cos-sco.secure-platform.com/site ).
Ophthalmologists interested in becoming a member can learn more here https://www.cos-sco.ca/cos-membership/member-benefits/ ).
COS Practice Resource Centre – learn more here ( https://www.cosprc.ca/ ). The Cornea Modules referenced in this episode of EyeCan can be found here (https://www.cosprc.ca/cornea-learning-modules/ ).
See the Possibilities is a web resource for the Canadian public on the topics of vision health, serious eye diseases and what the COS is doing to promote eye health for everyone. Learn more here: https://www.seethepossibilities.ca/. Ask the Experts articles can be found here ( https://www.seethepossibilities.ca/ama/ ).
The COS Newsroom contains all press releases and can be found here ( https://www.cos-sco.ca/newsroom/ ). Media are welcome to contact Kim Tytler, COS Manager, Communications and Public Affairs, kim@cos-sco.ca, for more information.
More information about the work of the Association of Canadian University Professors of Ophthalmology (ACUPO) can be found here ( https://www.acupo.ca/ ).
Comments about EyeCan? Contact communications@cos-sco.ca and we’ll get back to you soon!